
Stay up to date with the latest developments and news about Dycem, our innovative contamination control solutions, and the industries we support.
Interview With Contamination Control Specialist

Interview with Contamination Control Specialist

Interviewer: We’re here with Danae Crumb, a local contamination control specialist, to discuss various aspects of floor-level contamination control methods and their implications. Let’s start by discussing your experience as a contamination control specialist. Danae Crumb, Contamination Control Specialist (CCS): Certainly. As a contamination control specialist, my primary responsibilities revolve around educating customers on contamination…

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Medical Device

Demand for Medical Devices is on the Rise

What are medical devices? A medical device is any instrument, apparatus, implement, machine, appliance, implant, reagent for in vitro use, software, material, or other similar or related article, intended by the manufacturer to be used, alone or in combination for a medical purpose (World Health Organisation). This can include syringes, bandages, blood glucose meters, and…

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Listeria And The Risk To Human Health

Listeria and The Risk to Human Health

Listeria can pose a huge threat to human health and the food production industry. Recalled batches can damage a company’s reputation; reduce consumer trust and ultimately, death for high-risk consumers.

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