Improving Contamination Control: How Rosalind Franklin University Found a Sustainable Solution

research lab

Rosalind Franklin University, a distinguished medical school located in North Chicago, IL, stands as a beacon of excellence in specialized graduate-level health programs.

The university is passionately dedicated to fostering a collaborative environment that brings together students, faculty, practitioners, researchers, and entrepreneurs. This collective community is driven by a common goal: to improve the quality and delivery of healthcare and wellness services, ensuring accessibility and excellence for all individuals which brought them to Dycem.


To control contamination at Rosalind Franklin University, the facility initially used shoe covers and regular mopping of the four main entrances. However, this put a significant strain on the crew, and personnel compliance with proper PPE policies for shoe covers was not always satisfactory. To improve their contamination control strategy, university leadership explored alternative solutions, including Dycem.


RFU collaborated with Dycem to develop an effective contamination control plan for their campus. Dycem’s contamination control specialist Alex Morse analyzed their current strategy and helped them implement a plan of action. RFU opted to install Dycem CleanZone mats at entrances where shoe covers were used, eliminating the need for wasteful and unsustainable shoe covers. This move freed up the facility staff from mopping the floor twice a day and reduced plastic waste.

The RFU team was thrilled to find out that the Dycem CleanZone mats they installed lasted longer than expected, prompting them to purchase them for the third time. These mats were put in high-traffic areas to keep wheels decontaminated, removing the need for manual spraying. The RFU team was satisfied with the hassle-free installation process and excellent sales administration, recognizing that the success of the project relied on the efforts of the whole team, not just the product.

“We were more than satisfied, and we had the original mats for longer than expected. Really solid product!” – Matthew Anagnostopoulos, Facilities Manager 


“Rosalind Franklin University (RFU) is named for a pioneer in scientific research. Today, they’re carrying her legacy forward by sustaining an innovative, collaborative environment for advanced healthcare education and research. With a mission to serve humanity through the interprofessional education of health and biomedical professionals, and the discovery of knowledge dedicated to improving wellness.”

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